Via Zamboni, 40126 Bologna Bologna, Italy

Via Del Gomito 7, 40127 Bologna Bologna, Italy

Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria

Pavia, Lombardy, Italy

Tallinn, Harju County, Estonia

Athens, Municipality of Athens, Regional Unit of Central Athens, Attica, 105 57, Greece

Skopje, Municipality of Centar, City of Skopje, North Macedonia

Dusseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain

IIPLE, Italy

The Istituto per l’Istruzione Professionale dei Lavoratori Edile di Bologna has provided training for all professional profiles in the construction industry for more than 70 years. It aims to update, qualify and refine employees in the construction sector, as well as professionals and young people who wish to join this sector. The Istituto has become a reference organisation to meet the educational needs of professionals and companies. It provides tools that help to professionalise the workforce by responding to business demands to increase their competitiveness, bringing and attracting young people by facilitating their incorporation into the sector; and collaborating at European level with other organisations in the field of energy efficiency, sustainability, safety and the environment.

Fundacion Laboral de la Costruccion (FLC), Spain

The FLC works to provide companies and workers with the necessary resources to promote a safer and more professional and qualified training in the construction sector. Its training offer focuses on construction activities (bricklaying, plastering, heating, plumbing, etc.) with special attention to Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Systems, counting on cutting edge technology and materials to provide training to SMEs and construction workers. Its training is specialized in construction activities. It is eminently practical and high quality, and its main aims are to retrain and specialise workers and to contribute to their employment and professional development. FLC is now a benchmark entity in the sector and a key partner in working for the future of companies and professionals. With more experience and knowledge at our disposal, FLC works to ensure that occupational risk prevention, training, employment, innovation, sustainability, and new technologies help us to continue building the sector of progress that we all believe is possible.

Westdeutscher Handwerkskammertag (WeHa), Germany

The Association of German Chambers of Crafts and Trades contributes to the position of the usually owner-managed SME sector to the political opinion-forming process. WeHa is committed to preserving tried and tested practices while also initiating new ideas. WeHa aims at coordinating opinions on the uniform implementation of the joint tasks of the chambers of skilled crafts; representing the joint affairs of the chambers of skilled crafts to the state government, the state parliament, the supreme state authorities and the democratic parties; maintaining relations between the chambers of skilled crafts and other skilled crafts organisations, other chamber organisations and trade associations, trade unions, churches, universities and scientific institutes; implementing of joint measures in the interests of the skilled crafts sector as a whole at the state level; executing of special tasks.

The Knowledge and Skills Management Centre (K&S), Macedonia

The Knowledge and Skills Management Centre is a voluntary, non-profit, nongovernmental, association of citizens established with free association of the citizens in order to realize, protect and harmonize their interests and beliefs about the promotion of adult education and to perform activities for supporting informal learning and obtaining knowledge and skills via voluntary training programs, on the territory of Macedonia and beyond. The basic objectives and tasks of the Knowledge and Skills Management Centre are: connecting the professional education for elderly with the needs of the labor market; upgrading the professional qualifications of the beneficiaries by strengthening their employment and competitiveness prospects; using modern and innovative learning tools and knowledge and skills management tools.


Panhellenic Association of Engineers Contractors of Public Works (PEDMEDE) representing the construction sector in Greece, covers all the range of companies dealing with the construction of public works. It has 15 regional departments, covering the entire national territory, and a separate section for companies, cooperating closely with national public authorities, government representatives and key stakeholders representing the sector, formulating policies and initiatives aligned with sustainable development, digitalisation, circular economy, the EU Green Deal, the wave of rehabilitation, climate change and energy efficiency.


Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) is the only university which focuses on engineering and technology in Estonia. As the principle provider of engineering- and technology-related master’s degree graduates, it enjoys a unique connection with Estonian industry and an extensive network of alumni. The Department has established long-term partnerships with
construction and property organizations in Estonia and is also an active partner of VET schools in Estonia. This ensures that education and research programs maintain close alignment to the current needs of the construction industry and promote improvements in industry practice through innovation and education.

Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, Italy

UniBo is one of the most renowned and prestigious universities across Europe. It participates in the project through the Department of Architecture (DA). DA is a leader for research and teaching activities in the fields of architectural and urban planning, architectural technology, building technology, maintenance and building restoration, representation techniques, architectural techniques, construction management and building production, territorial planning, GIS, assessment of environmental and urban policies, history of architecture, industrial design. The constant integration between advanced scientific research and didactic training at various levels contribute to ensuring that the profiles of our graduates are recognized and validated in the international context.

R2M Solution Srl, Italy

R2M Solution S.r.l., is an engineering company specialized in integrated consulting. Its mission is to bridge the gap between research on the market and its practical application, with a focus on sustainability and digitization in the building, energy, and industry sectors. According to R2M experience, there is common awareness that training and upskilling needs are linked to all the phases of the building life cycle and affects all types of buildings, new as well as existing, public as well as private. R2M goal has always been to reach out to young and senior professionals of the construction sector (civil engineers, architects, building
assessors, energy auditors, market players and experts) by fostering access to the latest approaches and tools. Trainings can be online or onsite and focused on a specific product or tool, or about a methodology.

European Center of Entrepreneurship Competence & Excellence (ECECE), Austria

E.C.E.C.E. is a state-of-the-art international non-profit organization designed to promote change for the better through education and innovation. ECECE is a key regional player in promoting change in society, business organizations and research / education institutions,
being inspired by whole brain approach and design Thinking. Persistently working toward continuous improvement, and stretching its potential, ECECE have succeeded in developing models and tools that serve to identify innovation specific requirements, addressing them in the most effective and efficient manner. Thanks to the know-how of its members and associates ECECE operates within three main divisions: facilitation of education and training innovation uptake, Project Management consulting and innovative business idea generation and planning. ECECE daily challenges are acquiring the most up to date knowledge in the culture of innovation development as well as an up to date knowledge of the latest methodologies addressed to education, training and counselling.